What is the Holiday Kids Bike Giveaway?
Since BBP started in 2007, we’ve hosted the Holiday Kids Bike Giveaway! Every December, BBP donates more than 600 “dream” bikes to kids in need in our community.
The process starts with our referral partners (local nonprofits, charities, after school programs, and government organizations). These referral partners work with families in need and identify kids that need a bicycle. These kids then get an opportunity to draw a picture of what their “dream bike” would be along with a story. As we’re collecting these dream bike drawings, we collect kids bikes from the community, fix them up to run smoothly, and then customly decorate each bike to match dream bike drawings. We also ask people in the community to adopt dream bikes to cover the expenses of repairs and “dreamification”.

How To Get Involved
You can adopt a bike in November 2025!
Like the Salvation Army’s Angel Tree Program, you can “purchase a dream bike” that will be built according to the child’s dream bike drawing and story. This is one of the most exciting ways to be involved with the Holiday Kids Bike Giveaway because you can see your support directly making a child’s dream come true.
Throwing an event for more that 600 kids and their families isn’t an easy or cheap task. If you’d like, please make a donation or purchase an annual BBP membership to financially support this event!
These funds will help cover the costs of the needed permits, tents, heaters, warm beverages, warm clothing, and everything else that transforms Lusk St. into a magical December morning for these kids and their families.
Donate a kids bike in October 2025!
These bikes will be fixed up, “dreamified”, and given to a child in need. This year we’re aiming to give away over 600 bikes to kids in our community. These kids are referred to us by our partner organizations that work with families in need. We need your help to round up these bikes ahead of time and so we can start giving them needed repairs and decorations before the Holiday Kids Bike Giveaway!

Whether you can contact families ahead of the event to coordinate details, wrench on bikes to turn them into a child’s dream, bake treats to keep other volunteers in the spirit of the season, or help greet families at the event itself; we want you to join us!
Every year it takes more than 100 volunteers to turn the lot in front of the Boise Bicycle Project into the grounds used to make a lasting holiday memory for more than 600 kids from around our community.
Check out our volunteer positions in November 2025.

It takes an entire community effort to pull this event off.
We want as many people as possible to take action!
Please help spread the word far and wide!