After having been born in Maine, raised in New Hampshire and a resident of Boston for 15 years, the West came calling. My wife and I (and our two boys) took that call and moved to Boise in the summer of 2019, where I’m now a lawyer in town with Holland & Hart where I focus on employee benefits and executive compensation. 

 While my bike was my primary mode of transportation as a kid, the only biking I did in my adult life prior to Boise was mountain biking.  I would occasionally think about bike commuting in Boston, but would ultimately chicken out given the general lack of bike infrastructure and the slightly (okay, extremely) aggressive nature of Boston drivers and their disregard for everything and everyone in their path.  Upon arriving in Boise we quickly realized what a great, bicycle-friendly city it is.  Now I not only ride the trails, but also bike to work every day, bike any time I’m going downtown, and just bike for fun.    

 I first learned of BBP from a Goathead Festival poster I saw in town a few weeks after moving here and started volunteering shortly thereafter.  I joined the Board in March of 2021 and its been an incredible experience being part of such a great organization.  In addition to BBP, I’m also involved with Boise Pride and the Pension Action Center, which provides free legal counseling to help individuals claim the retirement benefits they have earned.  When I’m not on my bike, you’ll likely find me hiking, camping, listening to live music or hanging out at a brewery.