BBP Board Member

I was born in New York, but I was raised in South Florida. I moved to Boise in 2018 for a new job opportunity. Prior to arriving in Boise, I cycled but not enough. I first bought an eBike but now have 3 different bikes (eBike, hardtail, and a road bike). Cycling in Boise and along the greentbelt has been so great that I became a 1 car family in July 2021!

I first got involved with the Boise Bicycle Project as a member then volunteer. I enjoy having a place where I can learn how to work on my bikes. The volunteer nights and Holiday Kids Bike Giveaway are fun events to meet new people. As a board member, I am looking for ways to increase the scale and reach of BBP by telling people about their awesome work and getting them to become members!