BBP Board Member

I haven’t always felt comfortable on a bicycle. I grew up in the foothills outside of Eagle, Idaho, far from access to safe bike routes. I’m grateful to have grown into bicycling and have the privilege of living in a part of town with safe, accessible bike routes that allow me to confidently use my bicycle as a form of transportation. Everyone who wants to bike by choice or necessity should have access to bikes and safe bicycle routes.

As a board of directors member, I am thrilled to support Boise Bicycle Project and its mission of promoting the personal, social, and environmental benefits of bicycling, its commitment to building an inclusive community, and its advocacy for safe bike infrastructure.

In my professional life, I’m a social worker and have worked with diverse populations, including women and families impacted by substance use, incarceration, and folks that came through refugee resettlement. Currently, I’m a Clinical Account Executive with First Choice Health and use a culturally responsive, trauma-informed, and equity-focused approach to clinical and organizational work. When I’m not at work, I’m with my family or friends, hopefully on a bicycle, walking a trail, eating and drinking something delicious, volunteering, or doing absolutely nothing, my favorite pastime. I am excited to serve BBP and our community with the rad BBP staff, volunteers, and my fellow directors.