Volunteer Spotlight - Meet Becky Walker


I was introduced to Becky my first week at BBP. Right away I knew she was someone I wanted to hang out with more, and I was in luck because Becky has an endless amount of energy and is a huge supporter of BBP. She played a critical role in keeping our shop afloat during the pandemic. Without Becky’s earnest and jovial customer service, we might not have been able to keep the shop open during some of BBP’s toughest months to date.

Becky is enthusiastic, engaging, and approachable. Not to mention, she walks the walk, or should I say rides the ride. She’s is dedicated bike commuter who can be seen around town with several of the kids she nannies for in tow, or fully bundled up in rain gear commuting to her weekly facilitator shift at the shop. Becky is the real deal y’all.

Without further ado…Becky Walker!

Becky Volunteer Spotlight.jpg

What impact has BBP had on your life?

BBP is a safe place I have been able to go since I started 6 years ago. It has helped me deal with the grief of losing my Dad, a bad break up, and the death of a partner. It helped me feel a peace and joy that I often couldn't find in my personal life due to all the loss that happened so rapidly and devastatingly. I often say BBP helps save my sanity.

What do you geek out on?

I geek out on Jane Austen and, generally, British history.

What is your mantra?

My mantra is to try to live each day in gratitude. Find the beauty in something no matter how dark the skies above me are.

Thank you for all of your help with the BASH giveaways, at any and all of our events, for the countless hours spent in the shop and for always being a source of positivity and encouragement for all!


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