October's BASH Bike Giveaway : Celebrating a Great Year of Volunteers and Partners

This Saturday, October 9th, we have our last official BASH (Bicycle and Safety Hour) Bike Giveaway of the year. Counting this giveaway, we will hope to have given away roughly 200 bikes along with our bike and traffic safety training! It really has been an incredible year, and we owe a HUGE thanks to our community partners and our crew of regular volunteers that have been helping us educate kids as well as get them rolling down the road!

First off, I’d like to take a minute to personally thank Paula, Becky, Patrick, Jeni, Troy, Chris, Kathee and Amy for their enthusiasm and time this year. It has been awesome to have a regular crew show up every second Saturday! Especially one who knows the ropes and is so dedicated to getting kids excited about biking and ensuring that they will be biking safely!

Next, it is so important to us to give a huge huuuuuge thanks to Primary Health. Primary Health has been an awesome partner for us for several years, ensuring that we have helmets for each and every child and teen that we pair with a bicycle. Beyond the helmets, they also helped us with our 4th Annual Primary Health Bike Drive, ensuring that we gathered large amounts of awesome bikes so that we can fix them and recycle them into our community for our 2021 Holiday Kids Bike Giveaway.

Finally, we would love to give St. Luke’s a huge shout for their amazing support and partnership! So far this year we have given roughly 150+ bikes to teens in addition to our 200 BASH bikes, which would not be possible without St. Luke’s help. We have also been partnering with them on a Bike RX program, in which St. Luke’s Healthcare Providers are able to “prescribe” a bike to young people in order to help with their physical or mental health needs.

Our BASH this Saturday will be a celebration of all the help our community has offered us, as well as a party celebrating getting these kids ripping on their new bikes! There are still volunteer slots open if you are interested in helping!


The Bike Boom Block Party - BBP's 2021 Appreciation Party is Coming Up!


Volunteer Spotlight : James Sangroniz