BBP saved my life. Will you help save BBP?
I’m writing you from my BBP satellite space during this unprecedented time.
I wanted to share a personal story that I’ve shared with some of our staff and members I’m closest to, but that I haven’t really broadcast openly over the past 2 years of my employment at the beautiful place.

Our shop may be closed, but your support today impacts our future.
Our shop may be closed, but your support as a member will continue to impact our bicycling community during this time of uncertainty. In fact, now more than ever is your support of BBP important.
Closed doors and a call for resilience. (BBP and COVID-19)
As of Tuesday March 17th, the Boise Bicycle Project will be temporarily closed to the public to limit the spread of the Coronavirus COVID-19.
Beyond the Bike Lane: But wait, There's more!... On ACHD.
Last week I informed you of the distracted driving bill that was heading to the House Transportation Committee. We are still waiting to hear when that meeting will be, so until then lets check back to ACHD and learn about their Bicycle Advisory Committee!