What exactly does your membership bring to BBP?
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What exactly does your membership bring to BBP?

Nina here! Comin’ at ya with our latest Member Drive article. Some of you may be wondering… why exactly are we doing a Member Drive?

For 2019, we want to double our revenue in Membership by earning $100,000 from your support. I’m no finance major but I know that’s a big ol’ jump, but that is what we do here at BBP. We make big goals, big strides, and see big results from doing so.

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Every dollar you spend is a choice. Does BBP make the cut?
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Every dollar you spend is a choice. Does BBP make the cut?

Last year’s Fall Membership Drive was a smashing success, with just over 250 individuals, families and business joining or renewing. This year, our goal is higher (275), and the stakes are higher, and we aren’t hitting our goal numbers yet.

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Rollin’ with BBP’s Youth Programs: A Summer Recap
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Rollin’ with BBP’s Youth Programs: A Summer Recap

Hey there, it’s Christa!  

As we begin focusing our energy towards the 2019 Holiday Kids Bike Giveaway, I thought I’d give you a brief recap of BBP’s Youth Programs this spring, summer, and fall! Thank you to all the volunteers and members whose support makes our programs possible!

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