Let the eradication activation begin!
Happy Goathead Fest Season, fellow biking friends!
Boise Goathead Festival is back and it’s going to be better than ever. In partnership with Lost Grove Brewing and the Morrison Center, BBP is bringing the 4th annual Boise Goathead Fest back and bigger than ever!
So first things first: Mark your calendars for Boise Goathead Fest 2021. Saturday, August 28 at Cecil D Andrus Park.
Got that calendar updated? Good. Onto the next order of business.
It’s time to enact our community-wide effort to eradicate the goathead!
Just like years past, we are asking YOU to hit the streets, sidewalks, parking lots, and trails to bust Boise’s nutlets.
Our goal this year is to collect 4,000 pounds of goatheads!
And ready, set, go…your picking window officially begins NOW and goes all the way until Tuesday, August 31. More picking days means more pounds of goatheads, right? Since we moved Boise Goathead Fest to the end of August, we have even more time to find and eradicate those nasty little buggers!
Whether you’re new to picking or an ol’ pro, we have details for you on why we pick, how to pick, the supplies you’ll need, and the scientific nitty gritty about Tribulus terrestris over at our Boise Goathead Fest pickin’ page.
And of course there’s this message from Jimmy, Martha, and Ashilo:
Once you’ve picked your poundage, you’ll head over to Northend Organic Nursery to dispose of your haul. Look for the big ol’ nutlet dumpster in the parking lot. There’s a QR code to scan so you can easily enter the weight and other vital information, so don’t forget to bring your phone.
Look for Gertude the Goathead Monster’s weigh scale at Northend Organic Nursery. Weigh that haul, deposit it in the dumpster, and then record your haul details using our QR code.
Whether or not you personally care about how many pounds you pick, it’s super important for you to log your haul so that we can accurately measure our impact in 2021. And if you DO personally care about how many pounds you pick, then rest assured that just like in years past, we’ll have prizes and incentives for the folks who pick the most pounds.
Any individual who picks 30 pounds or more receives a prize. After the 30 pound mark, there are additional prizes for the individual, team, and neighborhood association who pick the most pounds through August 31!
We’re holding the details for a little while longer, but we promise that this year’s prize packages and festival merch offerings are off the hook!
Never picked the nasty Tribulus terrestris “Goathead plant” before? NO PROBLEM! We will be offering a Goathead picking class at Boise Bicycle Project on Wednesday June 30th from 6pm-8pm. You do not need to be a BBP member to attend this class. Come learn how to pick and identify the plant, and spend some time with us on our mission to eradicate this tire popping vine from our bicycling community!
To recap…
Here’s your official eradication activation call.
Happy picking!
What: 2021 community-wide effort to eradicate the goathead!
When: Now through Tuesday, August 31!
Why: Goatheads, also known as Tribulus terrestris or puncture vine, are an invasive specie that can produce up to 5,000 horned nutlets on single plant. They wreak havoc on our bicycle tires, puppy paws, and natural environment. By outcompeting native plants, goatheads create dense monocultures and reduce native plant diversity. The nutlets germinate quickly and can lie dormant in the soil for many years.
Why else: Consistently picking the goathead year over year will eventually eradicate it from our local environment altogether! After three years, we’re already seeing it disappear from certain neighborhoods where we’ve consistently picked.
Goal: In 2021, we want to collectively pick 4,000 pounds.
How: Volunteer groups, social clubs, church groups, neighborhood associations, families, friends, coworkers, heck—even strangers…get together and make a plan to pick!
What’s in it for me?: Awesome prizes for the individuals, teams, and neighborhood association who pick the most pounds!
We’re in it with you! Follow along with @boisebicycleproject and @boisegoatheadfest on social media. We’ll be sharing where and when we’re picking!
Head over to our BGF picking page to see a map of high impact target areas.
Have a hotspot to report? Email is at info@boisebicycleproject.org
Please note that we do not send volunteer groups to private property. If your personal property is overrun with goatheads, we recommend you rally a group for a private picking party!