The Year & Impact Ahead
Volunteers at the record setting 2018 Holiday Kids Bike Giveaway! Photo by Mo Valko
2018 was a year of unprecedented impact and major growth at the Boise Bicycle Project. In historic BBP fashion, 2019 will be no less ambitious, and we thought we’d share our 2019 goals and a glimpse of the year to come.
On January 30th, BBP will host its annual Impact Meeting, a gathering of BBP Members, Volunteers and Supporters, to unveil the 2018 Annual Report and talk through plans for 2019. If you are involved with BBP or considering becoming more involved, we ask that you put this date on the calendar and make it a priority. During the evening we will be equipping you with information to better advocate for BBP and bicycling in Boise, as well as asking for your help in solving a couple of key issues. There will also be free vegan pizza.
Last week we shared a blog post/request to make it a resolution or goal to get more involved with the Boise Bicycle Project or another nonprofit in 2019. The post outlined an example of a strategic action plan that could help people work toward that resolution. When BBP sets goals for any given year, those goals are constructed within the framework of our own Strategic Plan to ensure we are always taking steps in the right direction. You can see that framework demonstrated below.
We hope that you can make it to the annual Impact Meeting this month, we hope that you’ve decided to include BBP or another nonprofit in your plans for the year ahead, and we hope you take some time to look at our goals below. Maybe there is something specific in there that you can play a magical part of.
(a complete list of 2019 Goals will be available the annual Impact Meeting on Jan 30th at BBP)
Create and implement a weekly experience-driven communication/outreach plan for Volunteers and Members.
Expand Mobile Bike Repair impact with a goal of 40 stops averaging 15 kids per/stop
Donate 1000 bicycles to kids with 10% increased assistance from Shifting Gears programs
Make 600 Quality Affordable Adult Bikes, and 200 Quality Affordable Kids Bikes available for purchase
Implement a Point Earning System to increase Youth participation in shop activities
Incorporate a quarterly Employee Retention/Education/Investment Plan
Hire a Y-POP Coordinator
Incorporate a monthly Volunteer Growth, Metrics, and Acknowledgement Plan
Through Sponsorship, Grants and Donations, fully fund Boise Goathead Fest (August 2-3)
Implement a Donor → Member transition plan. Goal of 1000 active members by Dec 31 2019
Integrate Salesforce into Member / Supporter relations
Continue exploration and evaluation of additional space/processing needs
Thank you for riding with us in 2018 and for joining the pedal-powered odyssey ahead.
-Jimmy Hallyburton