Thursday night volunteer nights are back!


Thursday nights are getting exciting around BBP, and last night was no exception. We hosted our second Volunteer Night and the shop floor was buzzing. So was the back alley, literally!

Volunteers showed up to help build a tent that’ll be used at this year's Goathead Festival, and then repurposed at the shop and at future events. We also had volunteers working on bike take aparts, checking tubes, stripping handlebars, and helping to build membership tins. Another Volunteer night for the books! 

Interested in joining us next week? Here’s a few things you can expect from Thursday Night Volunteer Nights:

  • Thursday Night Volunteer Nights will be held every Thursday night from 6:00 to 8:00 PM.

  • Each Volunteer Night will be look a little different than the last since jobs/tasks will be based on upcoming projects or events. We think mixing things up each week keeps it interesting, and keeps everyone on their toes. Variety’s the spice of life right?! 

  • There’s plenty of space and opportunity for you to sharpen your skills, create community, connection and to have some fun!

So, if you don’t have plans on Thursday nights, now you know that we’ll be here at BBP and you’re always welcome. We hope to see you next week… and maybe even the week after that!


My Promise For Boise Goathead Fest. -Jimmy


COVID Safety at Boise Goathead Fest