Will You Ride With Us?

If I only had one single ask of you for all of 2021 (oh you should be so lucky!), it would be to…

Ride with us!

I'm asking you to PLEASE join us on a big 100,000 mile pedal-powered adventure. EVERYONE is welcome to join, and ALL bikes belong.

I don't know what sort of goals/resolutions people made for 2021, but one of mine is to ride my bike more. I know it makes me happier, healthier (physically and mentally), and it helps me connect to the City/State/Country I call home. I know it can do the same for you too. Our staff and our board have also made a goal to ride 20,000 collective miles in 2021. We know one of the best ways to reach our vision of transforming Boise into the “bicycle capital of America” is to experience the countless benefits of riding a bicycle first hand. We’re asking you, our volunteers, members and supporters, to join us on this adventure. If you haven't ridden your bike a lot or at all this year, that’s ok, today is a great day to get started.

BBP has created an account for you to log your miles and be part of our collective effort to ride 100,000 miles in 2021. It's free; you can log your miles daily, or even do your best to backlog your miles to January 1st. If you live in the Treasure Valley and ride your bike 1 mile a month or 100, it counts. Our community-wide club is called "Ride On Boise!" and it would mean the world to us if you would be part of team. Click on the bicycle join the team!

For those new to biking, this is absolutely for you, your family, your friends, and your office. If you don't have a bike, BBP or your local bike shop can help! And, BBP will help you with all sorts of riding tools, tips, tricks, group rides, and other pedal-powered and COVID-safe fun throughout the year.

For those of you who track miles regularly on Map My Ride or Strava, you can automatically connect those miles to the effort. I log mine in manually.

PLEASE join us on this adventure, and let us know how we can help get you started!


Bikin' 4 Lovin' 2021: To Boise, with Love


Annual Members' Meeting Recap