One Bicycle For One Child

In less than two weeks, BBP will donate over 500 bicycles to our community’s children during its 15th annual Holiday Kids Bike Giveaway. By the end of 2021, we will have donated between 1100-1200 bicycles for the year and over 9000 bicycles since we started in 2007. But ignore those numbers, because, they’re just numbers. They don’t tell the stories, the life-changing stories, that our bicycles provide.

To get a BBP bicycle every kid has to draw a picture of their dream bicycle. We use those drawings to create the perfect bicycle for each child, and we also use them to remind ourselves of what’s at stake… a dream.


Three years ago, Odila send us her dream bike drawing along with her school photo You can’t see Odila’s 3” heals behind the tires of her banana seat bicycle, but if you could, you’d know this bike was a match made in heaven. The privilege of making Odila’s dream bike come true fueled our tanks for days.

Below is Valentin’s bike. “I want a green BMX bike with red grips so I can get to school early.” We stayed up till 2am the night before the Giveaway getting this bicycle ready to go. His teacher called 6 hours earlier in tears realizing she’d forgotten to drop off his application. When she told us the heartbreaking living conditions Valentin was in and the difference a bike could make, we got to work… fixing one more bike.


Everyone left in tears the year little Kyree got his bicycle with the push bar from behind. Kyree was nervous at first, but once he got on, we couldn’t get him off. Within a few minutes, he was figuring out how to “push the pedals.” A dream come true for Mom and Grandpa and all us who witnessed Kyree become brave and confident.


And Jezaree from 2017, is probably the one I still think about the most. She wanted a “real BMX bike with pegs,” which we did teach her how to install right after the photo. Jezaree, arrived to the Holiday Kids Bike Giveaway about 3 hours late. The entire event had wrapped up…well, just watch video. It still brings me to tears.


For the 15 years I’ve been at BBP, our bicycle giveaways have really focused on two things… a child in need, dreaming of the places they’ll ride, and a broken bicycle, ready to be reborn and make those dreams come true. BBP (you, me, this community) is simply what connects those two dots… one bicycle for one child. It wouldn’t work if we focused on 500. If we did, impact would still be made, but the magic that unfolds at the Holiday Kids Bike Giveaway exists because we (you, our volunteers, our staff) care enough to make each dream come true.

So, for this year’s giveaway, I have three asks.

  1. If you have a gently-use bicycle, or know someone who does, get it down to BBP. It could transform a child’s life.

  2. If you don’t have a used bicycle donate, please consider Adopting a Dream Bike for one child (more if you want). Your donations covers the costs of tires, tubes, grips, pedals… needed to fix that donated bike.

  3. Volunteer at the Giveaway on Dec 18th. You will never for get it.

Thank you for a making a dream come true. Ride on!

-Jimmy Hallyburton, Executive Director of BBP.


BBP's Biggest Day, and 8 Ways You Can Help


Mark Your Calendars: Dream Bikes are Coming November 30th!