100 Hands, 1 Magical Bike

How many hands does it take to donate one bicycle? That sounds like the beginning of dad joke, but it’s something that circled endlessly through my thoughts during and leading into this year’s Holiday Kids Bike Giveaway. The big day itself was truly beautiful, full of beautiful bikes, beautiful families, and countless beautiful people who jumped in to help.

About 500 bikes were donated, and another 200 will go to Duck Valley and Fort Hall Reservations next week. One of Saturday’s kids received BBP’s 9,000th bike, without us even noticing. Before 2021 is over, another child will likely receive our 9300th bicycle. Those are community-transforming numbers, but they’re also just numbers.

The true impact and beauty in yesterday’s event, in all of our kids bike programs, is the effort put into each and every bicycle and the attention given to each and every child. We know these kids, each one, has the ability to make the world a better, brighter place. We know these kids, on BBP bicycles, are the future leaders of this community.

My personal highlight of the day was the opportunity to meet Happy (pictured to the right and below giving the peace sign). Part of Happy’s dream bike story was “stickers, but not on because I will do it myself. And I want brakes on.” He later submitted additional details for his “very first and fast bike.” BBP’s all-star mechanic Jason Marden made building this bike his personal project.

It took Happy about 15 seconds to learn how to ride his new bike. When I let go of the saddle, he started pedaling as fast as he could to test out the top speed. As I ran to keep up he shouted back “Where are the brakes!?”

The best part of being BBP’s Executive Director is that I get to see every single piece of the puzzle it takes to make one dream bike a reality. 100s of hands made Happy’s bike possible.

He’ll never know that, and that’s how it should be. It’s his bike now, his customized-for-Happy-dream-bike; and today he can ride wherever he wants. In a few months we’ll be in his neighborhood doing free bicycle repair, and we’ll get to learn all about the miles/places/adventures he’s traveled. I can’t wait for that moment.

Happy is just one of the amazing kids riding and smiling at this very moment on this sunny day. His story and my experience with him is just one of the many magical moments that unfolded on Saturday. I know, without a doubt, that you all have your own magical moments from this year’s Giveaway, and I want to make sure those are captured as well. If you have 5 minutes, please submit your story below.  

There are far too many people to thank for the magic that unfolded yesterday. Our Staff, our Volunteers, our Supporters, our Community Partners… you amaze me beyond belief. You all did something that mattered on Saturday. You brought light into the world.

 Ride on Boise!


By Distributing More Bikes, We Support MLK's Vision of a "Beloved Community"


That's a wrap on 2021 at BBP! (Holiday Closure Information)