Your Invitation to be part of something special: 2020 Goathead Fest

Separate but together:

In a normal “unCOVIDed” year, there would still be music ringing through our ears from Treefort Music Festival, all of the colors of the rainbow would be alive in our eyes from Boise Pride Festival, the vibrant culture of World Village Fest would still be filling our souls, and we might still feel the wind on our faces from the bikes racing by during the Twilight Criterium. These are just a few of the major events, among countless smaller events, that have been canceled this year because of COVID. Each and every event adds its own unique and important bit of culture to our community, and the vacancy of vibrance from our streets, parks, and venues is reminiscent of when Dorothy walked from her house into the word of OZ, but in reverse. Perhaps even more important though, our events, hosted by our dedicated and passionate community members, bring us together in beautiful and impactful ways.   


Our 2020 Vibrant Vision:

On August 1st, 2020 Boise Goathead Fest will bring us together in a way that hasn’t been possible this event season. Back in April, we made a decision to transform the entire festival into a shared-experience that could take place in any “phase of recovery.” And it just so happens that the secret weapon (maybe “special tool” is a better term) that’s making it all possible is the BICYCLE! 

On August 1st we will launch a costumed community-wide pedal-powered parade that begins and ends in your own driveway. In between will be up to you. By partnering with Radio Boise, we’ve created a live streamed soundtrack and guiding voice for the day that will create a separate but shared experience no matter what part of town you’re riding in. 

It is time to come together Boise! It is time to celebrate this vibrant community and each and every pedal-powered person that adds to its beauty.

your invitation:

You are invited to ride with us

You are invited to add to something bright and colorful during a time that’s felt pretty dark

You are invited to smile

You are invited to celebrate

You are invited to be part of something safe, something wonderfully-weird, and something hopeful

You are invited to be you

And you are invited to be Boise


PRESERVATION BICYCLE # 19: 1955 Schwinn Corvette


PRESERVATION BICYCLE # 18: 1982 Bridgestone "Torque Tilt" Wagon