People like us: Jimmy Goes Double Basket Bike Camping

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After six 60-hour work weeks in row, I decided to hit the road for a long weekend of dirt road riding.

It doesn’t take a fancy bike. (I saved this one out of the BBP scrap pile 6 years ago). We sell equivalent bikes every week (about $60 for project bikes, $200 for ones ready to ride). It doesn’t take fancy gear (between your garage, the Outdoor Exchange, and most thrift stores, you’ll be set). And it doesn’t take any experience (start with small trips, take your time).

On this trip I covered about 43 miles a day. I went over two mountain passes, got snowed on 3 times and rained on once. I visited 3 hot springs, caught no fish, camped next to a beaver dam, came across an animal boneyard, spotted 6 new birds in my bird book, and drank plenty of hot coffee. I loved every second of it.

Don’t over think it and you’ll have a great time!

-Jimmy Hallyburton

Check out the full bike camping adventure on Instagram.

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Zach's Bridgestone RB-T Project Bike. You can build yours, too!


Bikes of BBP & Their Humans: Meet Christa