What does Boise being the "Bicycling Capital of America" mean to you?

Last week, I was approved to be the newest member of ACHD’s Bicycle Advisory Committee (BAC) and the first BBP staff member to sit on the committee. As a self proclaimed fan of public meetings, transportation planning, etc. I am super excited (seriously, I am) to join a crew of bike advocates to help ACHD with their bicycle plans for upcoming projects!

This is just one step Boise Bicycle Project can take to our vision of Boise being the Bicycling Capital of America, but we cannot do it alone. Whatever that phrase means to you, you can help us get Boise there, and a big way to help is…. by becoming (or renewing!) your BBP Membership!

At the beginning of 2020 we rolled out a formal advocacy role, with the main focuses being Goathead Collection, Canalways to Bikeways, and being at the table for conversations surrounding bicycle infrastructure and safety. Our membership program is the main funder for these efforts.

Even if we could be at every table, the more advocates the better, advocates like you!

When you become a member, you can choose to get monthly Advocacy Updates and small updates as needed. It’s a way we can help you get involved, get you comfortable with making public comment, and learn about upcoming projects and initiatives.

One of those tables is the Bicycle Advisory Committee. And is relevant to the two asks I have for you:
1. Become a member and become a direct funder for our Advocacy Program (with all the other perks, of course!)

2. Attend your first Bicycle Advisory Committee meeting this Monday at 5:30pm, via Zoom. They occur the first Monday of every month, and the time changes every month. Your best bet to stay up to date on agenda items and times is by bookmarking this link and checking it closer to the beginning of every month. That way you can stay up to date on BAC, ADA Advisory Committee, the Pedestrians Advisory Group and ACHD Commission meetings!

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Americans waste $72 BILLION on finding parking. What if that time and money was spent at your business?


PRESERVATION BICYCLE # 23: 1974-ish Gitane Interclub