More than a piece of paper: Depression, shared space and a new program at the Boise Bicycle Project.

Last February I ran into a Boise Bicycle Project Member at a coffee shop. I hadn’t seen them for a while, and when I asked how they were doing, they burst into tears. They were going through a major depressive episode (MDE), feeling isolated, and didn’t have someone to turn to. Idaho’s percentage of individuals who suffer one or more MDEs a year ranks higher than the national average in almost every age group and demographic, so I knew this wasn’t the only member of our BBP community that might be struggling. In fact, at that very moment, I was personally struggling with a pretty major bout of depression.

At that moment I knew we needed to do something more; more to ensure people feel/know they’re “always invited.”

So we created the Official BBP Experience Spoke Card. It's nothing more than a laminated piece of paper with our logo on one side and a punch card on the other, but it's designed to keep you engaged and "always invited" to our ongoing activities that incorporate positive physical health (bike riding), positive mental/social health (safe and inclusive social gatherings), and a sense of purpose (activities that build community). It's also designed to live in your bicycle spokes. When you see one, you'll know a fellow BBP community member is near by.

It may seem pretty simple and basic to address issues of depression, but, for me personally, shared space, shared purpose, positive physical activity and a sense of belonging has always worked wonders. BBP has always given me this gift and guarantee, and it's made a difference.

As a BBP member, you support programs and efforts like this that ensure EVERYONE is welcome, ALL bikes belong, and YOU (an important part of our community) are always invited.

So that’s the WHY of this new initiative

Here’s the WHAT and HOW

  1. Come to BBP, renew/join as a BBP Member ($100/Year, $10/month and we have work trade options) Or purchase online today.

  2. You’ll get your BBP Official Member Spoke Card and your first punch

  3. Each month there will be one activity worth 20-50 points (Oct. 12 Year Appreciation Party, Nov. Friendsgiving, Dec. Holiday Kids Bike Giveaway…

  4. There will be ongoing weekly activities worth 10 points (Friday Night Rides, Wednesday Night Happy Hours, Tuesday/Thursday Volunteer Nights…)

  5. There will be bonus points (5 each) for riding your bike, posting to social about your visit, wearing BBP apparel, bringing a friend…

  6. Basically, every time you come to BBP or engage in a BBP activity, there should be an opportunity to get a punch and some points for something!

  7. During BBP’s 13th Year Appreciation Party (October 2020), all of your points can be cashed in for prizes (raffles tickets, beverage tokens, etc.) and awards will be given to our highest point earners.

You’re always invited!

BBP is better when you’re here!

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The next punchcard opportunities


Say what?! This week's members' sale is a big one: 35% off new items and 45% off used


PRESERVATION BICYCLE # 10 (and maybe 11): 1970-ish Peugeot uo8