5/1 - 5/7 Homework
The Stay-at-home order has been lifted, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t still be staying at home.
From the Governor’s Stage 1 Protocol “Gatherings, both public and private, should be avoided.” And that means it’s still the perfect time to be doing BBP Homework.
1. Send us some art and Reach out to an artist/creative!
Part 1: Please email nina@boisebicyceproject.org your favorite street art or bike art photo. We need these photos to inspire ideas for a potential BBP + Artist partnership (see part 2)
Part 2: Right now, the work of our creatives matters more than ever, and there is unique opportunity for individual artists to receive $1000 through the COVID Cultural Commissioning - CCC Fund to help tell the story of this moment. Please spread the word to all of your creative friends
If you are metal working artist and are in need of bikes and bike parts... we'll give you whatever you need. If you're looking for a large canvas BBP would like to offer our exterior and interior walls. If there is any other way we can help/collaborate with you at this moment, please reach out directly to nina@boisebicyceproject.org
2. Idaho Gives Bonus Donations
We have $4850 left in matching funds from out $20,000 Whitney Foundation match. And, we’re leading the pack for medium sized nonprofit in number of individual donors. If we stay on top of that leader board we’ll receive an additional $1000 for our youth programs. If you have an extra $10 laying around, now’s the time to invest in the future of BBP. If you don’t have $10, nows the time to hop onto facebook or instagram and share one of our posts with your community. Thanks so much for your support!
3. Bike-a-Bout Boise (Wed 5/6): A Weekly Virtual LUNCH Ride WITH JIMMY
This week we’ll do a BBP Reopening Discussion. Jimmy will discuss events, programs, shop services and volunteering opportunities for the next 2 months. We will end with BBP COVID program pitch where you share your ideas for BBP fun during the next 2+ months.
Make sure you favorite bike has full tires and is ready to ride. There are bonus points this week for carrying an item that weighs over 10 pound. Show and tell will be the object and carrying method.
Choose a destination you can get to with good cell service by 12:13pm. Call in time is 12:15pm. Bonus points this week for spots next to water. Calling in from home is fine too.
Pack a lunch, maybe a blanket, some extra layers, something warm to drink... Look at the weather and dress accordingly.
12:00pm: Start riding, you can leave earlier depending on destination goal.
12:10pm: Find nice piece of ground to relax on
12:15pm: Zoom into https://zoom.us/j/163239922 Meeting ID: 163 239 922. It may be best to download the zoom app if you’ll be riding around like me
12:15pm: Intro and +10-lbs-object show and tell
12:25pm: Bicycle Organization Updates/Evolution
12:35pm: Community Q&A
12:50pm: Zoom out, ride home
*Extra bonus points if you snap a pick before you leave and send it to nina@boisebicycleproject.org. My goal is to have 8 pictures next week and 3 of them can’t be my own.