Boise Bicycle Project

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I've Dreamed of Owning Rivendell Since I Started BBP. I Never Imagined we'd get 2 donated!

For $25, you can own one of the most beautiful and versatile bikes ever made!

Rivendell Bicycle Works is a company most people have never heard of. But for those who have… there’s a lore, an unexplainable beauty, and a timeless niche perfection that doesn’t exist in any other bicycle brand. I’ve dreamed of owning a Rivendell Hunqapillar and have been in love with the company since the day I started BBP. There’s just something so “right” about designing a steel bike that will last a lifetime, look timelessly elegant while doing it, and ride even better. There’s something so “right” about caring enough to create something because it needs to exist, and not because the market wants it to. That’s Rivendell, a company so ahead of its time that’s it’s driven the modern bike touring/camping/graveling/commuting movement while refusing to adopt any of the unneeded technological bells and whistles. And now… BBP has two Rivendells waiting in our warehouse, bikes that could be yours for as little as $25.

We could sell these bikes on eBay for over $2000 each. But we decided we would take our chances with a $25 raffle to give someone who might not be able to write a check like that the opportunity to own a timeless and iconic Rivendell.

You can read about the bikes on our raffle page, but do yourself a favor and dive down this rabbit hole on Rivendell’s website (Clem Smith Jr. & Cheviot) and subscribe to their newsletter while you’re at it . My hope is that you’ll fall in love with the company like I did, that you’ll win one of these beauties for $25, and that you’ll ride it with pride and joy for the rest of your life!

Also, just so you know, these are non-binary step-through frames. As a dude that sometimes has a hard time swinging my leg over a traditional frame, I love riding step through bikes, especially when they’re loaded with touring gear. If the Cheviot or Clem Smith Jr. was the next size up, I’d be doing my damndest to win both of them for my next camping/touring/dirt-road-riding/commuting bike.

Here’s some potential bike build inspiration.