Boise Bicycle Project

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Bikes of BBP & Their Humans: Meet Patricia

Ahhhh Patricia…the heart and soul of BBP. At least 3 times a day, I think, what would I do without Patricia? Patricia is the most optimistic person I know and ALWAYS goes above and beyond for BBP and our community. I can’t wait for you to meet her bike.

Name: Patricia Castillo

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Role at BBP: Facilitator/”Party Pooper” (Patricia’s words, not mine!)

Bike Make & Model: Jamis Allegro 6.0

When did you build your bike?:  I didn't build the bike myself but I chose all the parts and it was put together in a bike shop in town. In 2016 after I got hit by a car twice, the back derailleur and the front gears were rebuilt at BBP. So at that time this bike went from having a 21 speeds to 7.

What’s your bike’s name?: My Precious

What’s the story of your bike?: After a big bump in my life, I landed in Boise and needed transportation badly... I got a bike in a department store, and it was a nightmare to ride. I knew I needed something better that I could trust besides my legs and great attitude. During my lunch break I used to ride in front of a bike shop, so little by little I began to put parts together, and my dream bike came true!! 

What’s your favorite feature on your bike?: As an animal lover, you can all tell that I looooooooove the "Hello Kitty" bell, the "Linus" front bag (in memory of a wonderful puppy) and the trailer hanger.

What’s your favorite ice cream?: Cookie Dough and Chocolate Fudge 

What does Seth (shop mechanic) appreciate about Patricia?: “I appreciate Patricia because she is unbelievably understanding and forgiving, and I appreciate her ability to speak up for what’s right when others can’t.”

What are you currently doing during our shop closure?: As a Facilitator, you can find me running all over the shop answering phones, making appointments, greeting and assisting customers at the door, receiving bikes, making small assessments, taking monetary transactions, receiving, sorting, pricing, organizing donations, flattening bikes; and of course, walking Chompi and Ned.

As a “Party Pooper”, I have the hardest part of the job, but someone has to do it, right? So, you can hear me politely directing customers to the CAN'T things like… do, touch, take, give, bring, go, out, in, time at the shop, etc… and sincerely apologizing for the inconvenience!