Boise Bicycle Project

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Beyond the Bike Lane: But wait, There's more!... On ACHD.

Last week I informed you of the distracted driving bill that was heading to the House Transportation Committee. We are still waiting to hear when that meeting will be, so until then lets check back to ACHD and learn about their Bicycle Advisory Committee!

The Bicycle Advisory Committee (BAC) was created in 2005 to address bicycle safety needs in Ada County by creating a group of volunteers and bicycle advocates who frequently experience life on the road. They work to create recommendations to the ACHD employees and commission on infrastructure projects they are making decisions on. The BAC was created by the commission, and can be dissolved by the commission (hence the importance of having bike friendly commissioners, cause we don’t want that!).

Historically, they have had a significant role in The Roadways to Bikeways Plan, the ACHD Roadside Memorial Policy, Work Zone Sign Placement for Bike/Pedestrian Safety, Considerations for different types of chip seal to keep bike lanes smoother, wayfinding signs across the region, League of American Bicyclists Bicycle Friendly County designation and so much more.

Fun fact: You can and should attend their meetings! Just like commission meetings, they are open to the public to comment on. the BAC members need our help showing support for better bicycling infrastructure from individuals all over the county.

So, when can you show up and speak up? The first Monday of every month at 5pm! Find more information about their meeting times, agendas and members here.

On Thursday, we will be hosting a ride from BBP at 5pm to ACHD’s Five Year Work Plan and Annual Budget. This will be a fantastic opportunity for individuals to learn how ACHD functions, what they work on and where their budget goes toward. If you are interested in joining the ride, we will be taking off at 5PM from BBP! Hope to see you there!