Boise Bicycle Project

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Tis’ the season for the Holiday Kids Bike Giveaway time!

It’s hard to believe that we are only forty days away from this year’s Holiday Kids Bike Giveaway. Although we are still working to finalize the details of the event, we know a few things for sure: This December our goal is to give 500 bikes to kids in need, and we need your help to make it happen!

We have roughly 500 bikes that have been donated so far, and out of those bikes 110 of them have been repaired by our hard-working volunteer mechanics. That means we need still need another 100 bikes to be donated and repaired. You might be crunching the numbers and wondering why we need a total of 700 bikes. Unfortunately, not every bike donated to us is reparable or the right size, so we need extra inventory to make sure we’re prepared.

So how can you get involved? Here are 4 easy ways you can make a big impact.


    It takes many, many hands to get 500+ bikes ready to roll away in one day. The sooner you can donate the better. We have a particular need for 24 inch bikes in good condition. Note: while we appreciate your good intentions to purchase and donate new bicycles, used bicycles do more good. Our skilled mechanics can refurbish bicycles so that they are even better than when they were brand new.

  2. Check out the Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities on our website:

    If you’ve already signed up as a volunteer you can go straight to the Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities to sign up for an available shift. We have everything from mechanic shifts where you can wrench on bikes to administrative shifts that you can do from the comfort of your home. It all helps in getting us closer to hitting our goal.

  3. Attend the next Volunteer Village Meeting:

    Whether you’re a new volunteer or a volunteer who is looking to get reactivated, we will be holding another virtual Volunteer Village meeting on November 18th at 6pm. We’ll provide you with a full update on what’s been going on at BBP, our COVID safety procedures as well as current volunteer needs. We’ll also leave plenty of time for Q&A before signing off. More details coming soon.

  4. Adopt a Dream Bike bike or a few.

    Dream Bike adoptions cover the costs of putting on the event. Dream bikes will be available for adoption soon. We will make blog, facebook, and instagram posts when they are.

Stay tuned for more ways to get involved. Until then stay healthy, stay safe.