Boise Bicycle Project

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Who ya going to call? GOATBUSTERS!

Goathead busters, that is.

June 10th was our first official goathead cleanup at Lake Hazel Middle School. We were asked by many to do picking at Lake Hazel Middle School because they have been fighting an infestation for years. It got so bad that have overtaken the outdoor running track, get tracked inside from kids shoes, and overtook the dirt paths that border the school. Between me and 10 other volunteers, we collected 20lbs of goatheads on the school property alone!

You read that right, dirt paths. This is the primary reason the goatheads are so bad in that area, because besides La Grange St., there are no sidewalks leading into the school!

Goatheads and infrastructure surprisingly go hand in hand. They flourish in dry dirt patches that get a lot of sun and can easily out-compete other plants. This is why out community sees them pop up in the trails, along canals and unfortunately, in parts of town lacking proper pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure. When we have to take incomplete streets to get to school work and activities, we bring these goatheads along for the ride. This is why we encourage you to pick everywhere, not just your neighborhood.

The weigh station at North End Organic Nursery is now active! It requires you to record your own weight by scanning the QR code that is on the scale, or going to

The fight to remove goatheads will only succeed if we fight for complete, safe and accessible infrastructure. So lets get picking!